相信 / Believe

日期 2020-01-21
權限 免費
種類 / 大小 video /
說明 詞/曲Written / 李宛叡、張全佑、曾晨恩
編曲Arrangement /  趙治德Samuel Chao
Keyboard & Synths /  趙治德Samuel Chao
Acoustic Guitar / 張全佑 Andrew Eu
Electric Guitar / 黃正安 Small Ann
Bass / 呂冠燁 Duck Lue
Drum / 蔣孟平 Benjamin Jiang
和聲編寫 /  李依柔Zoey Lee
和聲 /  陳州邦Ben Chen、趙治德Samuel Chao、璽恩SiEnVanessa

﹥ Verse1
看不見 終點離我有多遠
I can’t see how far from the end I am
聽見內心深處 萌生出放棄的意念
I hear my heart inside burst out the thought of giving up 
﹥ Verse2
掩蓋不住 力不從心的無助
I can’t deny the weakness inside my heart
誰能帶我走出 走出這未知的道路
Who can lead me walk out, walk out of this uncertain path 
﹥ Pre-Chorus
Jesus, You come into my heart
Like a light defeats the dark
Renew my life as a star
﹥ Chorus
舉雙手 降服我全所有
Raise my hands. Surrender all I have
祢慈愛牽引我 投入祢懷中
Your mercy love guides me. Run into Your arms
我一生 緊抓住不放手
All my life, hold on tight won’t let go 
祢信實永不變 到永遠
You’re faithful to the end
﹥ Bridge
因祢相信我 使我輕看難處
Cuz You believe me. I look down on hard times 
安然信靠 無論高山低谷
I trust in You under all circumstances
敞開雙手 揚聲歡呼
Open my arms, shout out and praise