


良善、信心、 溫柔、節制。這樣的事沒有律法禁止。 '
加拉太書 5:22-23

-團長 趙治德

1. 讓家偉大 / Make Our Home Great

詞曲 Written:趙治德 Samuel Chao
演唱 Singers:陳州邦 Ben Chen、曾晨恩 Yosifu Tseng、周巽光 Ewen Chow、趙治德 Samuel Chao、璽恩SiEnVanessa、李曉茹 Jamie Lee、曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao
English lyrics translated by Joy Sung and Jon Pettigrew

走過生命風浪 駐足在祢的家
Through every storm of life, we’ve learned to stand as one
學會彼此轉向 學會放下
Learned to live with love and grace, learned to embrace
Under the power of the cross
是祢灌溉 是祢建造
You called us to You and set us apart
You turned our lives around
You built a home where we belong

我雖微小 祢卻偉大
Not in our own strength, but by Your power
有祢在家就沒有人 還需要懼怕
In Your presence, there is no fear, we know that You are here (I know this is home)
是祢的愛 讓家偉大
In Your love Lord, build this family
祢榮耀發出光芒 唯有祢 是盼望
Our hope will stand forever, as You shine, on our home

天父的心湧出 一條生命河流
There’s a river full of life, flowing from Your heart
醫治破碎心靈 使我甦醒
And every broken heart, You heal and restore
Lord shine Your light upon this land

是祢牧養 是祢打造 教會一磚一瓦
A shepherd to us, building our homes, we are all living stones
Lord build Your kingdom here on earth

我雖微小 祢卻偉大
Not in our own strength, but by Your power
無論旅程再困難 因祢我仍剛強
You guide us through our darkest nights, we trust in Your great love
是祢的愛 讓家偉大
With Your love Lord, build this family
Unite our generations
我和你 神的家
With one heart, for Your house

Your Word brings transformation
Spirit bring us together
我屈膝 以謙卑回應
Here we bow, humble ourselves and pray
As You raise up this family
直到列國都轉向祢 轉向祢
We’ll see the nations turn to You - turn to You

Unite our generations
As we stand together
Unite our generations
我和你 神的家
With one heart, for Your house

2. 將會知道 / I Will Know

詞曲 Written:張全佑 Andrew Eu、謝思穎 Panay Isak、李依柔 Zoey Lee、蔣孟平 Benjamin Chiang
English lyrics translated by Peace Teo 張和平

在人前低下頭 不讓眼淚被看見
Bow in crowd to hide my tears
患難像大石頭 已經快要壓垮我
Hardship is stressing me out like big rock

Your words come into my life
and take my fears away
Your breathe come into my life
and awaken my soul

雖不明瞭我仍信靠 用信心等候祢的榮耀
I trust even I don’t understand Waiting for Your glory with faith
堅固依靠永恆盼望 照亮了黑暗祢是光芒
Rely firmly with eternal hope You are the light that brighten darkness

在此刻抬起頭 有股力量充滿我
Now look up There’s a power that fills me
向著祢舉起手 不再倚靠我所有
Raise hands to You and not relying on what I have

單單定睛仰望於祢 耶穌唯有祢
Fix my eyes on You Jesus only You
拯救和盼望在於祢 我要讚美祢
Salvation and Hope is all about You I praise You

3. 用信心宣告 / Proclaim in Faith

詞曲 Written:蔣孟平 Benjamin Jiang、劉馥萱Lafaq Liu、劉淑莉Lily Liu
English lyrics translated by Joy Sung

信實主 滿有權柄和能力
Faithful God, full of power, full of strength
祢話語 帶來盼望和生命
By Your word, You bring hope and give us life
創造主 萬物都在祢手中
Creator God, everything is in Your hand
祢來到 這世上為行拯救
You draw near, give salvation to us all

找到祢 我心不再恐懼
Finding You, my heart no longer fears
觸摸祢 我必得著醫治
Reach for You, by Your touch I am healed
耶穌 祢是我一生的主
Jesus, my whole life belongs to You
感謝祢 為我成就的事
Thank You for everything that You’ve done
敬拜祢 用心靈和誠實
Worship You, with my spirit and truth
耶穌 祢是我唯一愛慕
Jesus, my heart’s one desire is You

無論山多高 海洋多寬廣
No mountain too high, no ocean to wide
都無法阻擋 神愛的力量
Could ever stop the mighty love of God
祢雙手擁抱 用信心宣告
I’m in Your embrace, declaring by faith
Your grace is here

4. 就這樣沉浸在祢的愛中 / Here in Your Embrace(Studio)

詞曲 Written:張全佑 Andrew Eu、謝思穎 Panay Isak、璽恩SiEnVanessa、曾晨恩 Yosifu Tseng
English lyrics translated by Joy Sung

我在遠處望向 家的門口
Here I am far away, longing for home
祢在路的盡頭 等待著我
There you stand at the gate waiting for me
蹣跚狼狽的我 祢親吻我
Desolate, yet I am met by Your kiss
被祢掛念的我 不再失落
I’m no longer at loss, here in Your heart

祢接納我 回祢家中
You pull me close, bring me back home
There is no love like Yours
祢擁抱我 在祢懷中
You hold me close in Your embrace
You never let me go

我想就這樣 沉浸在祢的愛中
I just want to stay soaking deep within Your love
我想就這樣 沉浸在祢的愛中
I just want to stay soaking deep within Your love

我想就這樣 沉浸在祢的愛中
I just want to stay soaking deep within Your love
我想就這樣 沉浸在祢的懷中
I just want to stay resting here in Your embrace

5. 溫柔聖靈 / The Gentle Holy Spirit

詞曲 Written:周巽光 Ewen Chow、李依柔 Zoey Lee、曾晨恩 Yosifu Tseng、褚治軒 A.C
English lyrics translated by Peace Teo 張和平

聖靈歡迎祢 敞開我的心
Welcome Holy Spirit to open my heart
只想感受祢 如影隨形
Desire to feel You and follow You

渴想在一起 無論去哪裡
Long to be together no matter where I go
溫柔祢使我 靈魂甦醒
Your gentleness awakens my soul

向我吹出氣息 溫暖滋潤我心
Breathe into me to warm and enrich my heart
不想攔阻祢運行 主祢掌權就在這地
Never stop Your atmosphere God You reign this land
聆聽祢的聲音 祢愛焚燒我靈
Listen to Your voice Your love set fire to my soul
不再抗拒祢運行 甜美的靈就在這裡
Never deny Your atmosphere Here’s Your sweetest spirit

尊崇祢主耶穌的靈 我全心接待祢降臨
Honouring Jesus Your spirit I embrace Your presence with my heart
塑造我生命更像祢 活出祢馨香氣息
Build my life with Your likeness We live by Your breath

6. 還有更多 / There Is More

詞/曲 趙治德Samuel Chao、李宛叡Rayya Li、璽恩SiEnVanessa
English lyrics translated by Joy Sung

在祢的眼神裡我看見 不一樣的自己
Now I see inside Your eyes there’s a very different me
再也不必憂慮擔心 祢應許賜我勇氣
There’s no fear or worry here, ‘Cuz Your promise sets me free

我領受祢的聖靈牽引 我帶著祢能力
Holy Spirit come and lead me on, You’re the strength within me
內心充滿無比的盼望 每一天與你同行
Hope’s alive now inside my heart, every day I’ll walk with You

全都因為~祢的愛 每一天都笑咍咍
Your love is my everything, everyday I’m smiling bright
祢愛讓我停不下來 挖掘祢更深的同在
Falling in head over feet, in Your love I’m going deep

祢告訴我還會有更多 恩典如此廣闊
There is more, that’s what You have promised, grace runs limitlessly
宣告耶穌之名 就現在 放膽開口
Shout aloud the name of Jesus, right here, right now
祢告訴我還會有更多 一層一層穿透
There is more, that’s what You have promised, there’s no end to Your love
每場爭戰堅定的依靠 就能勝過
I will trust that You’ll win the battle fighting for me

7. 起初的心 / Back To The Start

詞/曲 Written 孫立衡Peter Sun、陳州邦Ben Chen、李曉茹Jamie Lee
English lyrics translated by Joy Sung

Lord, I look to You alone
Come to end my wanderings
我成長的足跡 因為我 有祢
You’ve been here all along, every step with me

I lay myself down
Coming back to the start
我已做了決定 要全心 跟隨祢
I have made up my mind, all my heart is for You

貼緊祢 靠近祢心跳聲音
Drawing close, so I can hear Your heartbeat
我願意 再與祢共同經歷
I am here to share each moment with You
點燃我靈 點燃我
Set me ablaze, burn for You
傾倒所有 我生命的熱情
Pour out my life, all my passion for You

8. 敬拜祢名 / Worship Your Name

詞曲 Written:曾晨恩Yosifu Tseng、陳逸宏 Ian Chen、李宛叡Rayya Li、趙治德Samuel Chao
English lyrics translated by Joy Sung

Your love immeasurable
Never hidden is Your heart for me
Surrounding me every day

As I walk after You, Lord
My heart fills with awe and wonder
Making my eyes to see

Mountains, hills stand in awe of Your works
Each wave of the ocean worships You
Every star in the sky shines for You
The angels all standing around Your throne
我心何等渴望 如此的敬拜
My heart longs to worship with all that I am
歡慶祢名 美好的名
Lift high Your name, Your wondrous name

歡慶祢名 美好的名
Lift high Your name, Your wondrous name
The soverign King of my heart
大能的名 尊貴的名
Your mighty name, Your glorious name

9. 牽手 / Hand in Hand(Studio)

詞曲:蔣孟平 Benjamin Chiang、蔡依純Anna Cai、周巽光 Ewen Chow、褚治軒 A.C

English lyrics translated by Joy Sung

淚已濕了眼眶 無力抵擋
Painful tears fill my eyes, helpless to stop
Losing ground though I long to believe
我的世界崩塌 仍舊盼望
As I’m falling apart, still I cling on
Maybe I’m just a fool

想要勇敢堅強 突然發現
Trying hard to be strong, only to find
A heart weary and lost inside
祢聲音如曙光 指引方向
Your voice breaks through the night, leading the way
Always here by my side

一路祢牽著我 雖然我會軟弱
Together hand in hand, through all my weaknesses
When I fall, You don’t let go
祢的憐憫湧流 遠超過我所求
Your tender mercy flows, more than I’ll ever know
Jesus, Your grace it covers me
一路祢牽著我 雖然我會軟弱
Together hand in hand, through all my weaknesses
When I’m lost You bring me back
祢良善如太陽 祢信實如晨光
Your goodness like the sun, faithfulness as the dawn
Father, I’m held by Your love

唯有祢 我所求
Only You, I desire
牽著祢 不放手
Hand in hand, won’t let go
唯有祢 我所求
Only You, I desire
牽著祢 永遠不放手
Hand in hand, I’ll never let go

10. Make Our Home Great / 讓家偉大

詞曲 Written:趙治德 Samuel Chao
演唱 Singers:Viola Wu 吳芳儀, Catherine Hu 胡斯華, Peace Teo 張和平, James Hu 胡斯漢, Joy Sung 宋怡萌, Carlo Fumagalli 吳勝雄
English lyrics translated by Joy Sung and Jon Pettigrew

走過生命風浪 駐足在祢的家
Through every storm of life, we’ve learned to stand as one
學會彼此轉向 學會放下
Learned to live with love and grace, learned to embrace
Under the power of the cross
是祢灌溉 是祢建造
You called us to You and set us apart
You turned our lives around
You built a home where we belong

我雖微小 祢卻偉大
Not in our own strength, but by Your power
有祢在家就沒有人 還需要懼怕
In Your presence, there is no fear, we know that You are here (I know this is home)
是祢的愛 讓家偉大
In Your love Lord, build this family
祢榮耀發出光芒 唯有祢 是盼望
Our hope will stand forever, as You shine, on our home

天父的心湧出 一條生命河流
There’s a river full of life, flowing from Your heart
醫治破碎心靈 使我甦醒
And every broken heart, You heal and restore
Lord shine Your light upon this land

是祢牧養 是祢打造 教會一磚一瓦
A shepherd to us, building our homes, we are all living stones
Lord build Your kingdom here on earth

我雖微小 祢卻偉大
Not in our own strength, but by Your power
無論旅程再困難 因祢我仍剛強
You guide us through our darkest nights, we trust in Your great love
是祢的愛 讓家偉大
With Your love Lord, build this family
Unite our generations
我和你 神的家
With one heart, for Your house

Your Word brings transformation
Spirit bring us together
我屈膝 以謙卑回應
Here we bow, humble ourselves and pray
As You raise up this family
直到列國都轉向祢 轉向祢
We’ll see the nations turn to You - turn to You

Unite our generations
As we stand together
Unite our generations
我和你 神的家
With one heart, for Your house

11. 就這樣沉浸在祢的愛中 / Here in Your Embrace(Live Worship)

詞曲 Written:張全佑 Andrew Eu、謝思穎 Panay Isak、璽恩SiEnVanessa、曾晨恩 Yosifu Tseng
English lyrics translated by Joy Sung

我在遠處望向 家的門口
Here I am far away, longing for home
祢在路的盡頭 等待著我
There you stand at the gate waiting for me
蹣跚狼狽的我 祢親吻我
Desolate, yet I am met by Your kiss
被祢掛念的我 不再失落
I’m no longer at loss, here in Your heart

祢接納我 回祢家中
You pull me close, bring me back home
There is no love like Yours
祢擁抱我 在祢懷中
You hold me close in Your embrace
You never let me go

我想就這樣 沉浸在祢的愛中
I just want to stay soaking deep within Your love
我想就這樣 沉浸在祢的愛中
I just want to stay soaking deep within Your love

我想就這樣 沉浸在祢的愛中
I just want to stay soaking deep within Your love
我想就這樣 沉浸在祢的懷中
I just want to stay resting here in Your embrace

12. 牽手 / Hand in Hand (Live Worship)

詞曲:蔣孟平 Benjamin Chiang、蔡依純Anna Cai、周巽光 Ewen Chow、褚治軒 A.C

English lyrics translated by Joy Sung

淚已濕了眼眶 無力抵擋
Painful tears fill my eyes, helpless to stop
Losing ground though I long to believe
我的世界崩塌 仍舊盼望
As I’m falling apart, still I cling on
Maybe I’m just a fool

想要勇敢堅強 突然發現
Trying hard to be strong, only to find
A heart weary and lost inside
祢聲音如曙光 指引方向
Your voice breaks through the night, leading the way
Always here by my side

一路祢牽著我 雖然我會軟弱
Together hand in hand, through all my weaknesses
When I fall, You don’t let go
祢的憐憫湧流 遠超過我所求
Your tender mercy flows, more than I’ll ever know
Jesus, Your grace it covers me
一路祢牽著我 雖然我會軟弱
Together hand in hand, through all my weaknesses
When I’m lost You bring me back
祢良善如太陽 祢信實如晨光
Your goodness like the sun, faithfulness as the dawn
Father, I’m held by Your love

唯有祢 我所求
Only You, I desire
牽著祢 不放手
Hand in hand, won’t let go
唯有祢 我所求
Only You, I desire
牽著祢 永遠不放手
Hand in hand, I’ll never let go