
但我想起多年前的那首詩歌“耶穌你是中心”(Jesus at the center)


約書亞樂團團長 趙治德

1. 都指向祢 / All Lead To You



跳脫 這世界的節奏
Rise above the rhythm of this world
All my worries fade like distant clouds
全心 開口向祢呼求
My heart, my soul cries out to You
Love like the waves wrap around me

如今 我已不再是我
My life is no longer my own
It’s Christ who is alive in me
我要 用力張開雙手
I stand with arms open wide
Reaching my hands to the sky

太陽 星宿
The sun, the stars
The universe You have made
Yet Your thoughts are toward me
說有 就有
Your words bring life
Not one falls empty or void
Yet there is more

耶穌 所有預言都指向祢
Jesus, prophecies they all lead to You
恩典 拯救每個人的生命
Saving grace for every soul that breathes
I know that my whole life is lead by Your hand
耶穌 所有見證都指向祢
Jesus, testimonies all lead to You
宣告 得勝盼望永不止息
I declare Your hope will always prevail
I give my life to follow You
To the end

2. 選擇來讚美 / Choosing to Worship

詞 / 曲:謝思穎、曾晨恩、璽恩SiEnVanessa、孫立衡、李曉茹、陳璽文

我禱告 就像我已得著
I pray like, I already received
讚美在 逆境中獻上
Worshiping, offered when uneased
我感謝 祢拯救的一切
I give thanks, for all that you have saved
讚嘆是 對祢的回應
Praise to you, is all we can say

ho hai iyeyan 常常的喜樂
ho hai iyeyan be joyful often
ho hai iyeyan 凡事要謝恩
ho hai iyeyan thanks will be given
ho hai iyeyan 不住的禱告
ho hai iyeyan always be praying
ho hai iyeyan 大聲來宣告
ho hai iyeyan proclaim it loudly

我要唱 可以再大聲一點
I will sing, even louder than before
我拍手 震碎仇敵下顎
As I clap, breaking enemy’s jaw
我跳躍 用盡所有的力氣
I leap off, using all my energy
我宣告 應許成就
I proclaim, promises kept

要憑信心 不是憑感覺
Living by faith, not living by sight
現在要選擇來 喜樂讚美
Now we make the choice | to worship in joy
要憑信心 不是憑感覺
Living by faith, not living by sight
現在要選擇來 喜樂讚美
Now we make the choice | to worship in joy

ho hai iyeyan ho hai iyeyan
ho hai iyeyan ho hai iyeyan

要憑信心 不是憑感覺
Living by faith, not living by sight
(ho hai iyeyan ho hai iyean)
現在要選擇來 喜樂讚美
Now we make the choice | to worship in joy
(ho hai iyeyan ho hai iyean)
要憑信心 不是憑感覺
Living by faith, not living by sight
(ho hai iyeyan ho hai iyean)
現在要選擇來 喜樂讚美
Now we make the choice | to worship in joy
(ho hai iyeyan ho hai iyean)

3. 想不到 / Beyond My Imagination

詞 / 曲:周巽光、璽恩SiEnVanessa、趙治德、蔡依純
主唱:璽恩 SiEnVanessa

看吧 祢的良善我想不到 祢真好
I can’t comprehend Your kindness to me, You’re so good
I thought I already knew
祢卻為我犧牲祢的至寶 想不到
Yet You sacrificed Your treasure for me, I can’t speak

奇妙 祢的拯救出乎意料 忘不了
Amazed, overwhelmed by Your saving grace, can’t forget
More than I could ask or think
還沒開口祢就已經回應 我禱告
Before I spoke You were there to respond to my prayer

我再不開口 連石頭都要讚美跳耀
If I hold my peace, even rocks will start dancing their praise
我大聲宣告 讓世界知道祢有多好
Loudly I declare so the whole world will know You are good

想不到萬王之王 謙卑自己
To think, the King of Kings would humble himself
Entered the city You rode on a donkey, Sing Hosanna
Whoa 和撒那 Whoa
Whoa Hosanna Whoa
全地都揚聲讚美 迎接君王
The whole earth lifting up praise, welcome King
Creation speaks of Your glory they shout the aloud

Whoa Whoa
Whoa Whoa

It’s beyond anything I could dream, far beyond anything I could think or imagine
You are good
It’s beyond anything I could dream, far beyond anything I could think or imagine
I’m amazed

想不到神獨生子 降生馬槽
How could the Son of God born in a manger
成為人卻行神蹟奇事 何等奇妙
Become the Son of Man working miracles
Whoa Whoa
Whoa Whoa

You paid the price on the cross so to save me
三天後從墳墓中復活 我想不到
The third day raising to life, I’m amazed by You
Whoa Whoa
Whoa Whoa

4. 祢是我盼望 / You Are My Hope

詞 / 曲:褚治軒 A.C 、曹之懿、王英州、陳州邦、李依柔

He will not crush the weakest reed
Or quench the dimly burning flame
Come, breath of life, awaken me
祢同在 永遠都不曾離開
You are here, never has Your presence left

You are my hope, like the break of dawn
Your the strength that leads me on
You are my hope, like the shining stars
Guiding me, as I walk on this road

祢釘痕雙手 祢為我捨命
With Your nail-pierced hands, You died for me
得勝的盼望 都來自於祢
Hope that conquers all, is flowing from You
日月和星辰 在祢手裡
How You hold the sun, the moon and the stars
我氣息 我生命 都屬於祢
My whole life, every breath belongs to You

5. Merciful Love / 憐憫的愛

詞 / 曲:謝思穎、褚治軒 A.C 、孫立衡、璽恩SiEnVanessa
主唱:璽恩 SiEnVanessa

忘了美好的生活 像是擱淺的船
Forgotten the good old times, like a ship caught on land
隨著海浪起伏 我的力量漸漸消逝
As the ocean waves rise, I feel my strengths slowly run dry.

人們給的建言話語 使我努力顯得無力
All the advice I have received, my efforts shunned, feels so lonely
回想起祢溫柔應允 眼淚中流著憐憫
Remembering Your kind answer, tears flow down filled with mercy

即使感覺不到祢 還是緊抓著祢
Even when I don’t feel You, I will still hold tightly
Though reality’s stiff
I still want to hear You speak to me

Merciful love Merciful love
我要再一次 擁抱著 祢給的盼望
I want to again hold onto the hope from above
Unfailing love Unfailing love
聽見袮聲音 在我心裡 我堅定與袮在一起
Along my heart strings, I hear You sing, I will remain with You firmly.

祢永遠會在這裡 一生永不缺席
You will always be with me, never will You take leave.
不能控制的想起祢 此刻進入最深安息
Thinking of You unconsciously, right now entered the deepest peace

袮說:「我知道 我都知道 所有眼淚我都看到」
You say “I know child, I know my child, every tear I will reconcile”
袮的聲音環繞 成為最終倚靠
Father Your voice surrounds, my security found
Your love never runs out

6. 奮戰到底 / You Fight for Me

詞 / 曲:趙治德,陳州邦,黃義順,吳健美
主唱 :趙治德

一直渴望 有一個家
My longing for a place called home
卻因害怕 徬徨掙扎
Was hindered by this fight with fear
直到遇見祢 經歷祢
Till I came face to face with You God
帶領我 進入祢應許之地
Lead me on, into Your promised land

You fight for me 奮戰到底
You fight for me, until the end
太奇妙太徹底 祢愛永無止盡
Marvelous, too complete, Your love will never end
無止盡就算世界 分崩離析
Never ends, the world may end and fall apart
Still I will lift You high
For You are my victory

I find my peace in Your embrace
不再恐懼 不再逃避
No longer running from my fears
完全接納我 擁抱我
Now I am held by You, loved by You
恢復我 完全潔淨我生命
Restore me, my life is completely clean

You fight for me 奮戰到底
You fight for me, until the end
太奇妙太徹底 祢愛永無止盡
Marvelous, too complete, Your love will never end
無止盡就算世界 分崩離析
Never ends, the world may end and fall apart
Still I will lift You high
For You are my victory

You fight for us, You fight for us
受刑罰 受鞭傷 我復活的君王
Took the blame, every stripe, My resurrected King
我一生都要仰望 祢的十架
All of my life I look to, the blessed cross
我全心感謝祢 使我回到祢的家
Thankful with all my heart, You’ve brought me home to You now

7. 剛強壯膽 / Courage, Surge Out

詞 / 曲:周巽光、吳唯農、蔣孟平、璽恩SiEnVanessa

Woah Woah Woah

看著葡萄 我們卻都吃不到
All are in sight, but it is out of reach now
應許之地 充滿了巨人環繞
Giants surround the promised land we’re set on
仇敵不斷咆哮 如同獅子吼叫
Enemies they roar out, as a lion they're proud
面對高牆 周圍人都想落跑
Facing tall walls, everyone wants to back down
流奶與蜜 反而成心中煎熬
Sweetest rewards, becomes the heart's biggest taunt
現實如此難搞 生命盡被消耗
The truth is always so hard, life is all consumed up

就在這時刻 我仍然要說
Even in this time, I will still scream high
With You I don't need to hide
剛強壯膽 剛強壯膽
Courage, surge out, courage, surge out
Trample on enemies we have victory
剛強壯膽 剛強壯膽
Courage, surge out, courage, surge out
We sing and praise until high walls all fall down
Woah Woah
剛強壯膽 剛強壯膽
Courage, surge out, courage, surge out
Woah Woah
I'm not a cub scared of its own shadow
面對高牆 周圍人都想落跑
Facing tall walls, everyone wants to back down
流奶與蜜 反而成心中煎熬
Sweetest rewards, becomes the heart's biggest taunt
現實如此難搞 生命盡被消耗
The truth is always so hard, life is all consumed up
兩刃利劍 從我的腹中升起
Sharp blade unsheathed, coming up from my within
全都因著 聽見祢微小聲音
Are all because we heard Your quiet calling
能使風平浪靜 黑暗勢力潰堤
Silencing wind and seas, darkness breaks in defeat
約書亞軍隊的元帥 爭戰時與我們同在
Army of Joshua's General, with us whenever we battle
一歡呼仇敵就潰敗 We are on Your side
In one cheer enemies crumble, We are on Your side
剛強壯膽 剛強壯膽
Courage, surge out, courage, surge out
Trample on enemies we have victory
剛強壯膽 剛強壯膽
Courage, surge out, courage, surge out
We sing and praise until high walls all fall down
Woah Woah
剛強壯膽 剛強壯膽
Courage, surge out, courage, surge out
Woah Woah
I'm not a cub scared of its own shadow

8. 肥牛犢 / Fat Cow Party

詞 / 曲:周巽光、吳唯農、洪德耀、張家綺

當我迷失 祢將我尋回
When I am lost You come and find me
在祢肩上 帶我回家
On Your shoulder, You take me home
Lost and then found, how wonderful
All heaven and the earth, come celebrate here

在祢愛中 我不再失落
Within Your love I’m no longer lost
找到我就 捧在手中
Once found I will always keep close
You see me as priceless treasure
Spread the word to corners, rejoice together

Let’s not forget Let’s celebrate
This is what He has prepared
Let’s not forget Let’s celebrate
This is what He has prepared
Let’s not forget Let’s celebrate
This is what He has prepared
Let’s not forget Let’s Celebrate
Join fat cow’s party

Come together in our Heavenly Father’s house party
來party Woah
Come party Woah
為慶祝我回家 讓我們一起來party
To celebrate I’m home Let’s come together and party
來party woah
Come party woah

Fat cow party let’s get ready
Everybody let’s go party

當我散盡 祢豐盛祝福
When I’ve spent Your many blessings
只想找到 回家的路
I just want to find my way home
卻看到祢 跑來抱我
But I see You run towards me
不責備 不定罪 愛我的天父
Never blamed, not condemned, Father You love me

奇妙恩典 不顧別人眼光 將我贖回
Wonderful grace | ignores all opinions | brings redemption
不再羞愧 因我是祢眼中 無價寶貝
Never ashamed | because In Your eyes I | can’t be replaced
奇妙恩典 不顧別人眼光 將我贖回
Wonderful grace | ignores all opinions | brings redemption
不再羞愧 因我是祢眼中 無價寶貝
Never ashamed | because In Your eyes I | can’t be replaced

Fat cow party let’s get ready
你說我憑什麼 怎麼可以
You say why is it me | You’re not worthy
Everybody let’s go party
天父的愛讓 我很可以
Heavenly Father’s love welcomes me
Fat cow party let’s get ready
你說我憑什麼 怎麼可以
You say how’d this happen | You’re not worthy
Everybody let’s go party
天父的愛讓 我很可以
Heavenly Father’s love welcomes me

9. 奇妙恩典 / Wonderful Grace

詞 / 曲:李匯晴、李宛叡、劉淑莉

向我吹入氣息 向我顯明祢真理
Father, breathe into me reveal Your truth unto me
向我傾倒祢話語 讓我能重新得力
Pour Your words out onto me once again You strengthen me
祢說我屬於祢 祢說孩子我愛你
You said that I am Yours You said o child I love you
祢的靈吸引我心 進入祢的同在裡
Your spirit attracts my heart drawing me closer to You
我雖軟弱 祢的愛觸摸
Though I am weak, yet Your love touches me
牽我的手 在絕望時候
Holding my hand, in desperate times
耶穌唯有祢是我 一生所追求 oh~
Jesus, all that I ever wanted is You oh~
奇妙恩典 何等甘甜
Wonderful grace, how sweet and great
寶血洗淨污穢 將我生命贖回
Your blood has washed away my sins and now I'm saved
眼未曾見 祢已預備
Never foreseen, yet You’ve prepared
我心讚嘆敬畏 向祢獻上讚美
My heart baffles in grace, offering none but praise
祢說我屬於祢 祢說孩子我愛你
You said that I am Yours You said o child I love you
祢的靈吸引我心 進入祢的同在裡
Your spirit attracts my heart drawing me closer to You
我雖軟弱 祢的愛觸摸
Though I am weak, yet Your love touches me
牽我的手 在絕望時候
Holding my hand, in desperate times
耶穌唯有祢是我 一生所追求 oh~
Jesus, all that I ever wanted is You oh~
奇妙恩典 何等甘甜
Wonderful grace, how sweet and great
寶血洗淨污穢 將我生命贖回
Your blood has washed away my sins and now I'm saved
眼未曾見 祢已預備
Never foreseen, yet You’ve prepared
我心讚嘆敬畏 向祢獻上讚美
My heart baffles in grace, offering none but praise
我心讚嘆敬畏 向祢獻上讚美
My heart baffles in grace, offering none but praise

10. 無盡的愛 / Endless Love

詞 / 曲:張家綺、劉淑莉、鄭淯心、洪以琳、吳宇婕

聽見祢 溫柔聲音
Hear Your voice, so gently speak
挪去我 所有恐懼
Banishing all fear in me
黑暗中 祢呼喚我走向祢
In the dark, calling me to come to You
Open my heart

過去我 風聞有祢
Only heard of You before
如今卻 親眼見祢
Now I meet You face to face
我決定 不再倚靠我自己
From now on, I won’t lean on my own strength
My life is for You

在我身旁 沒離開過
Never left me, You’re by my side
Always protecting me

祢無盡的愛 擁抱我
How Your endless love holds me close
雖跌倒軟弱 仍愛我
Even though I fall, You love me
在祢眼中看見 真實(全新)的我
You see me through Your eyes, the core of me (a brand new me)
䆁放 我自由
And set me free

祢犧牲的愛 拯救我
Love that sacrificed, saving me
用釘痕述說 不放手
Scars that show that You won’t let go

在祢眼中看見 真實(全新)的我
You see me through Your eyes, the core of me (a brand new me)
祢是 全所有
You are everything

11. 我欲來謳咾主 / Imma Worship Ya

詞 / 曲:孫立衡、曹之懿、褚治軒A.C、趙治達

我的天 我的天旋地轉
Oh my God, what’s even going on
不要騙 這世界天太黑
be honest, this world’s filled with darkness
我拒絕 漂在感覺海面
I refuse, floating on shallowness
信心的錨 穩埋在海底深處
Anchor of faith, hidden deep in the ocean

每一天 我欲來謳咾主
Everyday, I wanna worship ya
無法檔 我欲來follow You
Relentless, I wanna follow You
每一天 我欲來謳咾主
Everyday, I wanna worship ya
AY! Holy Spirit drop the beat
AY! 我欲來謳咾主
AY! I wanna worship ya

因為祢 我能站立
Coz of You, I can stand tall
因為祢 一路愛到底
Coz of You, love won’t fall short
因為祢 堅定相信
Coz of You, in faith we roar (I know originally there’s no mention of roaring but hey)
AY! I wanna worship You
因為祢 我能站立
coz of You, I can stand tall
因為祢 一路愛到底
coz of You, love won’t fall short
因為祢 堅定相信
coz of You, in faith we roar
AY! I wanna worship You

我的天 我在天上的父
Oh my God, my God who dwells above
祢作為 全世界都要看見
All Your deeds, the entire world shall see
我禱告 祢榮耀直到永遠
Lord I pray, Your glory forever reign
同步啟動 讓天國元素演奏
Let’s go we roll, as the kingdom performs

因為祢 我能站立
Coz of You, I can stand tall
因為祢 一路愛到底
Coz of You, love won’t fall short
因為祢 堅定相信
Coz of You, in faith we roar
AY! I wanna worship You
(AY!我欲來謳咾祢) 因為祢 我能站立
(AY! I wanna worship ya) coz of You, I can stand tall
(AY!我欲來謳咾祢) 因為祢 一路愛到底
(AY! I wanna worship ya) Coz of You, love won’t fall short
(AY!我欲來謳咾祢) 因為祢 堅定相信
(AY! I wanna worship ya) Coz of You, in faith we roar
AY! I wanna worship ya

我愛祢 是真的毋驚死
I love You, I’m not afraid to die
有祢同在 充滿疼惜盼望
You are with us, we’re cherished and have hope
我相信 大步向前行
I believe, so I step right up
毋是靠自己 是祢帶我行
it’s not by myself, it is with You God

因爲祢 給我一個全新的生命
Coz of You, I was given a whole brand new life
毋驚死 倚靠聖神撒旦就要死
Fearing none, rely on God and Satan will die
聽好有喘息AY  攏來鬥陣做伙
Listen, all with breath, (AY) come and join in praise
Game Changer 改變規則 改變咱的世代
Game Changer changing the rules changing generations!
(Holy Spirit drop the beat)

AY! 我欲來謳咾主
AY! I wanna worship ya!