日期 | 2019-05-13 |
權限 | 免費 |
種類 / 大小 | video / |
說明 |
詞/曲呂冠燁、黃正安、璽恩SiEnVanessa、曹之懿 編曲 蔣孟平、黃正安、李宛叡 睜開眼看見祢的笑臉 I open my eyes and I see your smile 感受溫暖無限每一天 Feel so warm in my heart every day 我聽見祢話語在我耳邊 I can hear Your words whispering in my ears 呼喚我快跑跟隨 到永遠 I wanna run and I'll follow You forever 祢信實不改變 You're failthful and never change 祢應許不改變 Your promises will stand 向祢大聲讚美 不停歇 Shout out the praise to You. I won't rest 慈愛存到永遠 Your love lasts til the end 恩典源源不絕 Your grace flows out no end 向祢大聲呼喊 AMEN We shout out, scream and say Amen! 高牆倒塌我跨出去 Walls fall down and I step it out 來高舉祢名得勝利 Lift up Your name for victory 祢與我同行我無所懼 I have no fear cuz You are with me 我站在祢應許之地 I stand firmly in Promised Land |